Wing Chun is the only Chinese Martial art which was internationally popularized for the first time and this was due to the simplicity and practicability of this advanced martial art. In this hectic world, all are keen to gain more benefits and advantages over a small time period, and this plays a major role in martial art field too. At presents most of people trend to practice Wing Chun style because of less training time required, less time taken to finish the fight for a trained Wing Chun martial artist.
Due to advanced technical level in this Wing Chun style, all irrespective of the physical size draw attention to practice it. All can gain equal benefits from Wing Chun style as it has technical feasibility for all practitioners.
This style away from conventional martial arts and highly defined with self defense techniques emerged from Shaolin temple in China. The Buddhist Nun, Neg Mui is considered as the founder of this style who had a profound knowledge on martial arts.
Wing Chun created with the practical approach to fighting, originated from Sil Lum temple. To state that the goals of self defense of the Shaolin temple in those days are met by the true Wing Chun practitioners today, is not an exaggeration.
If you study hard on history, philosophy and techniques, anyone can get a clear understanding of Wing Chun in a short span of time. It does not take a long time for a practitioner with strong dedication and proper technical training, to be a good fighter.
The physical size or strength is not a dependency for a Wing Chun fighter. Further, Bruce Lee who studied Win Chun thoroughly for a long time stated that Wing Chun has the features of economy of motion, simplicity and directness and it balances mind and body.